Professor Syed Hasan Askari
Distinguished Historian & Eminent Scholar
Literary works of Professor Syed Hasan Askari have been referenced by academics, historians, researchers, and scholars in their respective publications in addition to honorable acknowledgements by individuals, institutions and websites. This website also extensively referenced the list below.
A. Rashid referenced "A 15th century Shuttari Sufi saint of north Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Society and Culture in Medieval India, 1206-1556 A.D.", 1969
A. Rashid referenced "Hazrat Abdul Quddus Gangohi by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Society and Culture in Medieval India, 1206-1556 A.D.", 1969
A. Rashid referenced "The correspondence of two 14th century Sufi saints of Bihar with contemporary sovereigns of Delhi and Bengal by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Society and Culture in Medieval India, 1206-1556 A.D.", 1969
A. Vaidik referenced "Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Imperial Andamans: Colonial Encounter and Island History", 2010
A.R. Kidwai authored "Askari Saheb - An inspiring example", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
A.R. Singh referenced "Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Information Management in Archives and Libraries", 2001
Abhay Kumar Singh referenced "An unpublished Persian Letter of Mir Qasim by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, Proceedings Volume, Indian Historical Records Commission, 1938", in "Modern World System and Indian Proto-industrialization: Bengal, Volume 1", 2006
Abhay Kumar Singh referenced "Iqbalnama by an anonymous contemporary writer, translated from Persian by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Modern World System and Indian Proto-industrialization: Bengal 1650-1800, Volume 1", 2006
Abhay Kumar Singh referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Modern World System and Indian Proto-industrialization: Bengal ..., Volume 1", 2006
Abhay Kumar Singh referenced "Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Modern World System and Indian Proto-industrialization: Bengal ..., Volume 1", 2006
Prof. Dr. Adeela Ghazanfar mentioned"Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Sufi Literature as a Source of Social History: A Case Study of 14th Century Text, Siyar Al-Awliyā (PhD Dissertation)", 2019
Prof. Dr. Adeela Ghazanfar referenced "Syed Hasan Askari, “Amir Khusrau as Historian” in Historians of Medieval India, ed., Mohibbul Hassan (Meerut: Meenakshi Parakshan, 1968), 27.", in "Sufi Literature as a Source of Social History: A Case Study of 14th Century Text, Siyar Al-Awliyā (PhD Dissertation)", 2019
Prof. Dr. Adeela Ghazanfar referenced "Askari, Syed Hassan. Amir Khusrau: Aḥwāl-o āthār. Delhi: n.d, 1975.", in "Sufi Literature as a Source of Social History: A Case Study of 14th Century Text, Siyar Al-Awliyā (PhD Dissertation)", 2019
Prof. Dr. Adeela Ghazanfar referenced "Askari, Syed Hassan. “Hazrat Abdul Quddus Gangohi by Professor Syed Hasan Askari”,
Patna University Journal. vol. xi. (1957).
", in "Sufi Literature as a Source of Social History: A Case Study of 14th Century Text, Siyar Al-Awliyā (PhD Dissertation)", 2019 -
Prof. Dr. Adeela Ghazanfar referenced "Askari, Syed Hassan. “Historical value of Sufi hagiological works of the Sultanate Period”, Journal of Bihar Research Society. vol. III. no. i-iv. (1966).", in "Sufi Literature as a Source of Social History: A Case Study of 14th Century Text, Siyar Al-Awliyā (PhD Dissertation)", 2019
Prof. Dr. Adeela Ghazanfar referenced "Askari, Syed Hassan. “Maktub Literature as a Source of Social History”, Khuda Buksh Library Journal. vol. no. 1. (1978).", in "Sufi Literature as a Source of Social History: A Case Study of 14th Century Text, Siyar Al-Awliyā (PhD Dissertation)", 2019
Prof. Dr. Adeela Ghazanfar referenced Askari, Syed Hassan. “Malfuzats and Maktubats of a 14th century Sufi saint of Bihar”, Journal of Bihar Research Society. vol. xxxiv. no. iii-iv. (1948).", in "Sufi Literature as a Source of Social History: A Case Study of 14th Century Text, Siyar Al-Awliyā (PhD Dissertation)", 2019
Aditya Behl referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Medieval Bihar: Sultanate & Mughal Period, Collection of ten articles, Volume 4 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Love's Subtle Magic: An Indian Islamic Literary Tradition, 1379-1545", 2012
Professor Allison Busch referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar, Volume 2 Part 2, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "Poetry of Kings: The Classical Hindi Literature of Mughal India", 2011
Professor Anand A. Yang referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar, Volume 2 Part 1, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "Bazaar India: Markets, Society, and the Colonial State in Bihar", 1998
Professor Anand A. Yang mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari's interview", in "The Limited Raj: Agrarian Relations in Colonial India, Saran District, 1793-1920", 1989
Professor Ananda Bhattacharya referenced "The Correspondence of Two Fourteenth century Sufi Saints of Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, Orissa Research Society, vol-4, No-2(1956) pp177-195.", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Professor Ananda Bhattacharya referenced " The Comprehensive History of Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askariand Q.Ahmad (ed),vol.ii,pt.i, p404", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Ananda Bhattacharya referenced "A Fifteenth Century Shuttari Sufi Saint of North of Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, Proceeding of the Indian History Congress, 1950 pp.148 (Reprinted in JBROS VOL-XXXVII, PTS 1-2)", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1, 2013)", 2013
Ananda Bhattacharya referenced "The Mausoleum of a Saint of Madari order of Sufi At Hilsa, in this context the work of ASKARI Bengal Past and Present,vol-ixviii,Calcutta,1949.", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Ananda Bhattacharya mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari and extensively referencend his literary works.", in " Ananda Bhattacharya, Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Ananda Bhattacharya referenced "Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, Patna, 1959, p.14, J.Wise,Notes on theRaces,Castes and Tribes of Eastern Bengal, London, 1883 .p.53", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Ananda Bhattacharya referenced "Some Farmans.Sanad,Nishans and Inscription in Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, Journal of the Bihar and Orrisa society. vol.xliii, pts-3-4, 1957.", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Ananda Bhattacharya referenced "Contemporary Biography of Fifteenth Century Sufi Saint of Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, Proceedings of the Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC), vol-xxvii. ", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Ananda Bhattacharya referenced "Documents Relating To An Old Family of Sufi Saints of Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, IHRC Proceedings, vol.xxvii", in "Madariya Silsila in Indian Perspective, published in Islam and Muslim Societies - a social science journal (Vol. 6 No. 1 – 2013)", 2013
Annemarie Schimmel, Former Professor Emerita Indo-Muslim Culture Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations referenced "Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Empire of the Great Mughals: History, Art and Culture", 2004
Badr-ud-Din Tyabji referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Reflections on the Completion of the 1400 Years of the Hijri Calendar", 1981
Benares Hindu University Syllabus referenced "literary works of Professor Syed Hasan Askari" (http://www.bhu.ac.in/social_sciences/history/MASemIIIIVsyllabus.pdf)
Professor Dr. Bernardo A. Michael referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar. Volume 2 Part 2, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "Statemaking and Territory in South Asia: Lessons from the Anglo–Gorkha War …", 2014
Professor Dr. Blain Auer referenced "Taj-ul-Maasir of Hasan Nizami by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Persian Historical Works Written in South Asia", 2018
Brijen Kishore Gupta referenced "Raja Ram Narain by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Sirajuddaullah and the East India company, 1756-1757,: Background to the foundation of British power in India", 1966
Professor Bruce B. Lawrence referenced "Tazkira-i Murshidi-Rare Malfuz of the 15th-Century Sufi Saint of Gulbarga:' Proceedings of the Indian Historical Records Commission (1952) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari. ", in "Sufi Martyrs of Love Chishti Sufism in South Asia and Beyond", 2002
Professor Bruce B. Lawrence referenced "Hazrat Abdul Quddus Gangohi:' Patna University Journal (1957) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Sufi Martyrs of Love Chishti Sufism in South Asia and Beyond", 2002
Professor Bruce B. Lawrence referenced "Hazrat Husamuddin, the 15th century Chishti saint of Manikpur:' Current Studies 1 (May 1953): 4-11A; also in journal of the Pakistan Historical Society (1953): 380-91 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Sufi Martyrs of Love Chishti Sufism in South Asia and Beyond", 2002
Professor Bruce B. Lawrence acknowledged Professor Askari's assistance", in "Notes from a Distant Flute", 1978
Professor Carl W. Ernst mentioned "Professor Hasan Askari regarding his meeting followed by discussion with Prof. Askari in July 1979. I am grateful to S. H. Askari for sharing his insights with me on this subject.", in "From Hagiography to Martyrology: Conflicting Testimonies to a Sufi Martyr of the Delhi Sultanate, History of Religions, Vol. 24, No. 4 (May, 1985), pp. 308-327 (20 pages), Published by: The University of Chicago Press", 1985
Professor Carl W. Ernst referenced "A 15th century Shuttari Sufi saint of north Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Refractions of Islam in India: Situating Sufism and Yoga", 2016
Professor Carl W. Ernst referenced "Maktub literature as a source of socio-political history - The Maktubat of a Sufi of Firdausi Order of Bihar - A case study by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Refractions of Islam in India: Situating Sufism and Yoga", 2016
Professor Carl W. Ernst mentioned "Professor Hasan Askari in regards to his meeting followed by discussion with Prof. Askari.", in "Refractions of Islam in India: Situating Sufism and Yoga", 2016
Professor Catherine B. Asher referenced "Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Architecture of Mughal India, Part 1, Volume 4", 1992
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber authored "an article on Professor Syed Hasan Askari to make his work known in France", in "Dictionnaire biographique des savants et grandes figures du monde musulan périphérique du XIXème siècle à nos jours", 1998
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Entre la caste et la secte. Un kissa du répertoire des Bhartrihari jogis musulmans d e la région de Gorakhpur", in Purusartha Les ruses du salut. Religion et politique dans le monde indien, ed by Marie Louise Reiniche, Purusartha, Paris, Ehess," 1995
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "The Mausoleum of a saint of a Madari order at hilsa, in bengal Past and Present by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1949)", in "Dargah sur stupa, L'acculturation de l'islam au Bihar", in Purusartha Acculturation de l'islam et du christianisme en Inde, ed by Tarabout and Assayag, Paris, Ehess", 1997
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Aspects of the culrtural history of medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1984) ", in "Dargah sur stupa, L'acculturation de l'islam au Bihar", in Purusartha Acculturation de l'islam et du christianisme en Inde, ed by Tarabout and Assayag, Paris, Ehess" 1997
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Collected works by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1985)", in "Dargah sur stupa, L'acculturation de l'islam au Bihar", in Purusartha Acculturation de l'islam et du christianisme en Inde, ed by Tarabout and Assayag, Paris, Ehess", 1997
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Contemporary biography of a 15th century saint of Bihar Indian historical Records comm proceedings by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1950)", in "Dargah sur stupa, L'acculturation de l'islam au Bihar", in Purusartha Acculturation de l'islam et du christianisme en Inde, ed by Tarabout and Assayag, Paris, Ehess", 1997
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar 1 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari 1989", in "Dargah sur stupa, L'acculturation de l'islam au Bihar", in Purusartha Acculturation de l'islam et du christianisme en Inde, ed by Tarabout and Assayag, Paris, Ehess", 1997
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "The Mausoleum of a saint of a Madari order at hilsa, in bengal Past and Present by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1949)", in "Chanteurs itinérants en Inde du Nord. La tradition orale bhojpuri, Paris, L'Harmattan,", 1999
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Aspects of the culrtural history of medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1984)", in "Chanteurs itinérants en Inde du Nord. La tradition orale bhojpuri, Paris, L'Harmattan", 1999
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Collected works by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1985)", in "Chanteurs itinérants en Inde du Nord. La tradition orale bhojpuri, Paris, L'Harmattan", 1999
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Contemporary biography of a 15th century saint of Bihar Indian historical Records comm proceedings by Professor Syed Hasan Askari(1950)", in "Chanteurs itinérants en Inde du Nord. La tradition orale bhojpuri, Paris, L'Harmattan", 1999
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1989)", in "Chanteurs itinérants en Inde du Nord. La tradition orale bhojpuri, Paris, L'Harmattan", 1999
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "The Ujjainia ancestors of Babu Kunvar Singh", by Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1955) Journal of the Bihar Research society", in "Chanteurs itinérants en Inde du Nord. La tradition orale bhojpuri, Paris, L'Harmattan,", 1999
Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber referenced "A XVth century Shuttari saint of North Bihar", by Professor Syed Hasan Askari in Journal of the Bihar Research Society, 1951", in "Shattari order of Bihar".
Professor Christon I. Archer referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "World History of Warfare", 2002
Christopher Alan Bayly referenced "Mirat-ul-Muluk, a contemporary work containing references on later Mughal administration by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780-1870", 1999
Christopher Alan Bayly referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780-1870", 1999
Dr. Claudine Salmon, edited, École française d'Extrême-Orient, École des hautes études en sciences sociales referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature, As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Récits de voyages asiatiques: genres, mentalités, conception de l'espace", 1996
D. Reimer referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature, As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Die Welt des Islams, Volume 35", 1995
Professor David Sol Boyk referenced "Syed Hasan Askari's, “The City of Patna—Etymology of Place-Names,” in Patna Through the Ages: Glimpses of History, Society & Economy, ed. Qeyamuddin Ahmad (Patna: Janaki Prakashan, 1988), 62–65", in "Provincial Urbanity: Intellectuals and Public Life in Patna, 1880-1930. A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History in the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley, USA", 2015
Department of Art, Culture and Youth, Government of Bihar, 2008 referenced "Aspects of the Cultural History of Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Patna, a Monumental History", 2008
Devu Pattar referenced "Mahmud Gawan and his book Manazir-ul-Insha by Professor Syed Hasan Askari for his on-going research work per his email in 2018". Mr. Devu Pattar is a journalist, writer, researcher in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Dr. Jagdishwar Pandey authored "Image of sacrifice and compassion (Hindi) ", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Duke University Press referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar, Collection of two articles, Volume 3 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, Volume 17", 1997
E.G. Smith for the U.S. Library of Congress Office referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Amir Khusrau as a Historian, Collection of eight articles, Volume 2 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Accessions List, South Asia, Volume 16, Issues 11-12", 1996
E.G. Smith for the U.S. Library of Congress Office referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Collection of five articles, Volume 1 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Accessions List, South Asia, Volume 16, Issues 11-12", 1996
Professor Eric Tagliacozzo referenced "Mughal Naval Weakness and Aurangzeb's Attitude Towards the Traders and Pirates on the Western Coast", in "Trade, Production, and Incorporation. The Indian Ocean in Flux, 1600–1900", 2002
Eugenia W. Herbert referenced "Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Flora's Empire: British Gardens in India", 2011
Gayatri Nath Pant referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Indian Shield", 1982
Girish Chandra Dwivedi referenced "An Anonymous Journal of Nadir Shah's Translations in India. Translated by S.H. Askari in Proc. I.H.C. (1947) entitled 'A Contemporary Correspondence Describing the Events at Delhi at the time of Nadir Shah's "Invasions". It tends to demonstrate an attitude of resistance on the part of Badan Singh during Nadir Shah's stay at Delhi.", in " The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire", 2003
Girish Chandra Dwivedi referenced "Durrani-Rajput Relations. 1759-1761. Correspondence between Madho Singh and the Abdali and others. Extract translation by S.H. Askari in Proc. IH C, (1945).", in " The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire", 2003
Girish Chandra Dwivedi referenced "Iqbalnama by an anonymous contemporary writer,(translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire", 2003
Girish Chandra Dwivedi mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari ( I am also grateful to Professor S.H. Askari. Inspite of his old age and frail health, he took pains to guide me to the relevant material both in the Khuda Bakhsh Library and in his personal collection and discussed with me many passages from the original sources. Among the valuable material which he made available to me, I must here make a pointed reference to his personal typed copy of the translation, of lqbalnama, which he had prepared for publication. I may be excused for striking a very personal note here. When Prof Askari suggested to me the Ms. of Tarikh-i-Bharatpur, he remarked that Sir Jadu Nath Sarkar had asked him to utilize that Ms. for his research studies on the Jats. Prof Askari added that he was happy on my taking up the subject and making a suitable use of the Ms.", in "The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire", 2003
Girish Chandra Dwivedi referenced "Professor Syed Hasan Askari with glowing tributes", in "The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire", 2003
Girish Chandra Dwivedi referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire", 2003
Girish Chandra Dwivedi referenced "Unpublished Correspondence Relating to Maharaja Madho Singh of Jaipur and some of his Contemporaries by S.H. Askari, Proc. IH C, (1948)", in "The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire", 2003
Guide to the Sources of Asian History, India: National Archives, Volume 2 referenced "Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication dated 1992
Dr. Gustav Roth mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari" in "Discussions about the Patna Dharmapada", 2000. Roth had the chance to stay in Patna and to see this Library. Here he was well received by Prof. Syed Hasan Askari a leading scholar of medieval Indian History and Culture. S. H. Askari, a Shi'a Muslim by faith, maintained in the field of scholarship, the impartial attitude of a research-worker combined with a broad-minded readiness to make source-material available to scholars on national and international levels".
Professor Hayden Bellenoit referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Between qanungos and clerks: the cultural and service worlds of Hindustan's pensmen, 1750-1850", 2014
Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed authored "The last writings of Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Indian Library Association mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Proceedings of the 4th All India Library Conference, Patna, April 13th-15th, 1940
Professor Iqtidar Alam Khan referenced “Material of Historical Interest in I‘jaz-i Khusravi by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.” Medieval India:
A Miscellany 1 (1969): 1–21", in "Historical Dictionary of Medieval India", 2008 -
Professor Iqtidar Alam Khan referenced “Risail-ul-Ijaz, of Amir Khusrau: An Appraisal by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.” Dr. Zakir Husain
Presentation Volume. Delhi: n.p., 1968.", in "Historical Dictionary of Medieval India", 2008 -
Professor Iqtidar Husain Siddiqi referenced "Tajul Maasir Hasan Nizami, Taj-ul-Maasir, trs. by S.H. Askari in Patna University Journal (Arts), vol.18, No.3, 1963; by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Indo-Persian Historiography Up to the Thirteenth Century ", 2010
Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, Volumes 31-32, referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication, 1993
Professor Irfan Habib referenced "Documents relating to an old family of Sufi saint of Bihar (1949) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Agrarian System of Mughal India 1556–1707. First published in 1963 by Asia Publishing House. Second, extensively revised, edition published in 1999 by Oxford University Press.", 1963/1999
J. C. Dua referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "British historiography, eighteenth century Punjab: their understanding of the Sikh struggle for power and role of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia", 1992
J. R. I. Cole referenced "The Political Significance of Hazin's Career in Eastern India." Bengal Past and Present 63 (1943): 1-10. by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Roots of North Indian Shi‘ism in Iran and Iraq
Religion and State in Awadh, 1722-1859", 1989 -
J. Rypka referenced "Fresh light on Shaikh Ali Hazin and his tours in eastern Hindustan by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "History of Iranian Literature", 2013
Sir Jadunath Sarkar mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Maasir-i- Alamgiri", 1947.
Professor Jagadish Narayan Sarkar referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Collection of five articles, Volume 1 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Historiography, Then and Now: Medieval Bihar", 1989
Professor Jagadish Narayan Sarkar referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar. Volume 2 Part 2, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "Historiography, Then and Now: Medieval Bihar", 1989
Professor Jagadish Narayan Sarkar referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Romance of historiography from Shah Alam I to Shah Alam II (non-European)", 1982
Jamal Malik referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Islam in South Asia: A Short History", 2008
Jigar Mohammed referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Revenue free land grants in Mughal India: Awadh Region in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (1658-1765)", 2002
Jitendra Narayan referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar, Volume 2 Part 1, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "Communal riots in India: a case study of an Indian state", 1992
Professor John Renard referenced "A 15th Century Shattari Sufi Saint of North Bihar" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari in "The-A-to-Z of Sufism", 2009
Professor John Renard referenced "Malfuzats and Maktubats of Hazrat Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari in "The-A-to-Z of Sufism", 2009
Professor John Renard referenced "Contemporary biography of a 15th century Sufi saint by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, in "Friends of God", 2008
Professor John Renard referenced "Tazkira-i-Murshidi, a rare Malfuz of 15th century Sufi saint of Gulbarga" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, in "Friends of God", 2008
Professor John Renard referenced "The mausoleum of a Saint of Madari Order of Sufi’s at Hilsa Bihar" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, in "Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)" 2015
John Renard referenced "A 15th Century Shattari Sufi Saint of North Bihar" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari in "Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)" 2015
Professor John Renard referenced "Malfuzats and Maktubats of Hazrat Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari in "Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)" 2015
Professor John Renard referenced "Contemporary biography of a 15th century Sufi saint by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, in "Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)" 2015
Professor John Renard referenced "The mausoleum of a Saint of Madari Order of Sufi’s at Hilsa Bihar" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, in "Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)" 2015
Professor John Renard referenced "Historical value of the sufic hagiographical works of the Sultanate" by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, in "Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)" 2015
Joyce P. Westrip, Peggy Holroyde referenced "Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Colonial Cousins: A Surprising History of Connections Between India and Australia", 2010
Jyoti Gulati Balachandran referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Texts, Tombs and Memory: The Migration, Settlement and Formation of a Learned Muslim Community in Fifteenth-Century Gujarat (UCLA Electronic Theses and Dissertations)", 2012
K. S. Singh referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar, Volume 2 Part 2, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "People of India: Bihar (2 pts.)", 2008
K.A. Ballhatchetreviewed"Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Bulletin in School of Oriental and African Studies Cambridge Journals", 1979
K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute referenced "Aspects of the Cultural History of Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Prajñā-bhāratī, Volume 9", 1999
Kaushik Roy referenced "Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Warfare in Pre-British India – 1500BCE to 1740CE", 2015
Kaushik Roy, Peter Lorge referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Chinese and Indian Warfare – From the Classical Age to 1870", 2015
Professor Kelly Pemberton referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar, Collection of two articles, Volume 3 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Women Mystics and Sufi Shrines in India", 2010
Professor Kelly Pemberton referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Medieval Bihar: Sultanate & Mughal Period, Collection of ten articles, Volume 4 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Women Mystics and Sufi Shrines in India", 2010
Khaliq Ahmad Nizami referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - On Awfi's Jawami-ul Hikayat, Volume 5 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Supplement to Elliot & Dowson's History of India, Volume 2", 1981
Khaliq Ahmad Nizami referenced "Taj-ul-Maasir of Hasan Nizami by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Supplement to Elliot & Dowson's History of India, Volume 2", 1981
Khan Sarfaraz mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Muhammuad Ali Hazin", 1944
K̲h̲udā Bak̲h̲sh Lāʼibreri jarnal, Issue 164 referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "it's publication", 2011
Kishori Prasad Sahu referenced "Medicines and Hospitals in Muslim India by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Some Aspects of North Indian Social Life, 1000-1526 A.D. (with a Special Reference to Contemporary Literatures)", 1973
Kishori Prasad Sahu referenced "Medicines and Hospitals in Muslim India by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Some Aspects of North Indian Social Life, 1000-1526 a.D. (With a Special Reference to Contemporary Literatures)", 1973
Kishori Prasad Sahu mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Some Aspects of North Indian Social Life, 1000-1526 a.D. (With a Special Reference to Contemporary Literatures)", 1973
Kishori Prasad Sahu mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Some Aspects of North Indian Social Life, 1000-1526 A.D. (with a Special Reference to Contemporary Literatures).", 1973
Kumkum Chatterjee referenced "Maharaja Kalyan Singh Ashiq "The last native Governor of Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Merchants, Politics, and Society in Early Modern India: Bihar, 1733-1820", 1996
Kumkum Chatterjee referenced "Personal Communication of Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Merchants, Politics, and Society in Early Modern India: Bihar, 1733-1820", 1996
Kumkum Chatterjee referenced "Raja Ram Narain by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Merchants, Politics, and Society in Early Modern India: Bihar, 1733-1820", 1996
Kumkum Chatterjee referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Merchants, Politics, and Society in Early Modern India: Bihar, 1733-1820", 1996
Leela Prasad referenced "Bengal Revolution of 1757 and Raja Ram Narain", in "Opposition To British Supremacy In Bihar 1757-1803", 1981
Leela Prasad referenced "Raja Ram Narain", in "Opposition To British Supremacy In Bihar 1757-1803", 1981
Leela Prasad referenced "Some unpublished letters of Raja Ram Narain regarding Shah Alam II's invasion of Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Opposition To British Supremacy In Bihar 1757-1803", 1981
Link: Indian Newsmagazine, Volume 25, Asia referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "it's publication", 1982
Lloyd V. J. Ridgeon referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Sufism: Hermeneutics and doctrines", 2008
M. Siraj Anwar referenced "Indo-Persian relations with special reference to the Deccan by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "THE RELATIONS OF THE MUGHAL EMPIRE WITH THE AHMADNAGAR KINGDOM (1526-1636), Thesis Submited for the *Degree of Doctor (Philosophy in History)", 1994
Marcus Daniel referenced "Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Scandal and Civility: Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy", 2009
Margaret H. Case referenced "A copy of Dastur-ul-Amal by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "South Asian History, 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers", 2015
Margaret H. Case referenced "Chait Singh and Hastings (from Persian sources) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "South Asian History, 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers", 2015
Margaret H. Case referenced "Political significance of the movement of Syed Ahmad Barelvi by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "South Asian History, 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers", 2015
Margaret H. Case referenced "Unpublished correspondence relating to Maharaja Madho Singh of Jaipur and some of his contemporaries", in "South Asian History, 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers", 2015
Margaret H. Case referenced "Raja Dhiraj Narain", in "South Asian History, 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers", 2015
Margaret H. Case referenced "A source book of mid-eighteen century Indian History", in "South Asian History, 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers", 2015
Margaret H. Case referenced "An unpublished Persian Letter of Mir Qasim by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "South Asian History, 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers", 2015
Matthew Friedman referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar, Collection of two articles, Volume 3 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Union with God in Christ: Early Christian and Wesleyan Spirituality as an Approach to Islamic Mysticism", 2017
Meenakshi Khanna referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Medieval Bihar: Sultanate & Mughal Period, Collection of ten articles, Volume 4 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Cultural History of Medieval India", 2007
Michal Wanner referenced "Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Anglo-French Relations in India 1787–1794 in the Mirror of Governor-Generals of British India Sources, Article (Czech), Studia historica Brunensia. 2016, vol. 63, iss. 2, pp. 5-22", 2016
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Aslam mentioned his meeting with "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Safar Nama-e-Hind", 1995
Professor Mohammad Sajjad dedicated his book "Remembering Muslim Makers Of Modern Bihar" to the memories of Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1901-1990) & Professor Papiya Ghosh (1958-2006), 2019
Professor Mohammad Sajjad mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Remembering Satish Chandra the Pioneering Scholar of Medieval Indian History", 2011
Professor Mohamed Taher referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Collection of five articles, Volume 1 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Islamic Studies in India: A Survey of Human, Institutional and Documentary Sources", 1991
Professor Mohamed Taher mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari as an expert", in "Islamic Studies in India: A Survey of Human, Institutional and Documentary Sources", 1991
Mohd. Sanjeer Alam referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar, Collection of two articles, Volume 3 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Religion, Community, and Education: The Case of Rural Bihar", 2012
Mohsen Mohammadi referenced "Music in Early Indo-Persian Literature by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in " Qand-i Pārsī: An Introduction to Twenty Persian Texts on Indo-Persian Music", 2006
Mohsen Saeidi Madani referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar, Collection of two articles, Volume 3 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Impact of Hindu Culture on Muslims", 1993
Muhammad Umar referenced "Tarikh-i Farrukhsiyar va avāʼil-i ʻahd-i Muḥammad Shāh, maʻrūf bih Shāhʻnamah-i munavvar kalām by Shīv Dās Lakʹhnavī", in "Muslim society in northern India during the eighteenth century", 1998
Muhammad Umar referenced "Tarikh-i Farrukhsiyar va avāʼil-i ʻahd-i Muḥammad Shāh, maʻrūf bih Shāhʻnamah-i munavvar kalām by Shīv Dās Lakʹhnavī", in "Islam in Northern India During the Eighteenth Century", 1993
Professor Munis D. Faruqui referenced "Documents relating to an old family of Sufi saint of Bihar (1949) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504-1719", 2012
Professor Munis D. Faruqui referenced "Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504-1719", 2012
N. M. P. Srivastava authored "Professor Askari - As I knew him", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Naimur Rahman Farooqi referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Mughal-Ottoman relations: a study of political & diplomatic relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748", 1989
Professor Nile Green referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Indian Sufism Since the Seventeenth Century: Saints, Books and Empires in the Muslim Deccan (Routledge Sufi Series) 1st Edition", 2006
Professor Nile Green referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Sufism: A Global History", 2012
Professor Nile Green referenced "Zain Khan, Tabaqat-i-Baburi, 1982 translated by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Making Space: Sufis and Settlers in Early Modern India", 2012
Professor Nile Green referenced "S. H. ʿAskarī, “Dabistān-i Madhāhib and Dīwān-i Mubad,” Indo-Iranian Studies Presented for the Golden Jubilee of the Pahlavi Dynasty of Iran, ed. F. Mujtabai, New Delhi, 1977, pp. 85-104.", in "The Persianate World: The Frontiers of a Eurasian Lingua Franca", 2019
Nishi Sinha mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari as Prof. Askari brought book of poetry composed by Emperor Humayon to Khuda Buksh Library,", in "Tourism Perspective in Bihar", 1999
Noor-ul-Hasan Ansari translated "Ijaz-i-Khusarwi (Translation of Risail-ul-Ijaz of Amir Khusrau: An Appraisal), Amir Khusrau aur Mausiqui, (Translation of Amir Khusrau on Music), Dalail-e-Ijaz e-Khusarwi, (Translation of Risail-ul-Ijaz of Amir Khusrau: An Appraisal)", in "Ahwal o' Asar, & Jahan-i-Khusrau", 1975 & 2006 respectively
Norbert Peabody referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Hindu Kingship and Polity in Precolonial India", 2003
Oleg Grabar, Perween Hasan referenced "New light on Raja Ganesh and Sultan Ibrahim of Jaunpur from contemporary correspondence of two Muslim saints ", in "Sultans and Mosques: The Early Muslim Architecture of Bangladesh", 2007
Omar Khalidi referenced "An unpublished Persian Letter of Mir Qasim by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "A Guide to Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu Manuscript Libraries in India", 2003
Official Website of Amir Khusrau referenced "Amir Khusrau as a Historian by Askari, S.H. Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library (1988)" (http://aalamekhusrau.com/english.aspx)
Official Website of Ghalib Award 1974 mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Research)" (http://ghalibinstitute.blogspot.com/p/galib-award.html)
Official Website of Encyclopaedia Iranica referenced AḤMAD ČARMPŪŠ or Hazrat Ahmad Chirmposh, a 14th century Sufi saint of Bihar (1954)", at "http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/ahmad-b-16
Official Website of Encyclopaedia Iranica referenced BIHAR (1989)", at "http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/bihar-behar-a-state-in-northeastern-india-bounded-by-nepal-in-the-north-west-bengal-in-the-east-orissa-in-the-south-a
Official Website of Encyclopaedia Iranica referenced GANJ-E ARŠADĪ", at "http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/ganj-arsadi
Official Website of Encyclopaedia Iranica referenced "New light on Raja Ganesh and Sultan Ibrahim of Jaunpur from contemporary correspondence of two Muslim saints ", in "http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/bengal
Official Website of "Gyan Niketan" mentioned Professor Askari.
Official Website of Khujwa Online mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari ", in "Eminent Personalities" (http://www.kujhwaonline.in/eminent.php)
Official Website of PatnaBeats published "Bihar’s Syed Hasan Askari, one of the country’s greatest historians and recipient of Padmashree by Syed Ashar Ali", (https://www.patnabeats.com/padmashree-syed-hasan-askari/)
Official Website of Patna University mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Padmashree Award)". (https://www.patnauniversity.ac.in/awards.html)
Official Website of Sahapedia referenced "Hazrat Abdul Quddus Gangohi by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, 1957, Patna University Journal 11.1-2:1–74", in "Select Bibliography: Sufi Literature in South Asia (https://www.sahapedia.org/select-bibliography-sufi-literature-south-asia)
Official Website of Tipu Sultan referenced "Khutut-i-Tipu Sultan (Manuscript in the possession of Prof. Askari, Patna University, Patna", (http://www.tipusultan.net/bibi.htm)
Pacific Affairs, Volume 55, University of British Columbia referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication, 1982
Papiya Ghosh referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar, Collection of two articles, Volume 3 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "Community and Nation: Essays on Identity and Politics in Eastern India", 2008
Parma Nanda Sahay referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Historical and Indological Institutions in India: A Brief Survey", 1987
Paul Jackson mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari with glowing tributes", in "Sharafuddin Maneri: The Hundred Letters (Classics of Western Spirituality)", 1979
Paul Jackson mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari with glowing tributes in his biographical essay “Synchronized Spiritualities”, in "Christian Lives Given to the Study of Islam 1st Edition, by Christian W. Troll (Editor), C.T.R. Hewer (Editor)", 2012
Paul Jackson authored "What Askari Sahib meant to me", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Perween Hasan, Oleg Grabar referenced "New light on Raja Ganesh and Sultan Ibrahim of Jaunpur from contemporary correspondence of two Muslim saints ", in "Sultans and Mosques: The Early Muslim Architecture of Bangladesh", 2007
Peter Gottschalk referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar, Volume 2 Part 1, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "Beyond Hindu and Muslim: Multiple Identity in Narratives from Village India", 2000
Peter Hardy included "Amir Khusrau as a Historian by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Historians Of Medieval India", 1968
Proceedings - Indian History Congress, Volume 63 referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication dated 2003
Proceedings - Indian History Congress, Volume 63 referenced "Tarikh-i Farrukhsiyar va avāʼil-i ʻahd-i Muḥammad Shāh, maʻrūf bih Shāhʻnamah-i munavvar kalām by Shīv Dās Lakʹhnavī", in it's publication dated 2003
Qeyamuddin Ahmed authored "Syed Hasan Askari - A Profile", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Qeyamuddin Ahmed authored "Writings of Syed Hasan Askari", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Radhakrishna Choudhary referenced "New light on Raja Ganesh and Sultan Ibrahim of Jaunpur from contemporary correspondence of two Muslim saints ", in "History of Muslim Rule in Tirhut (An Old and Rare Book), 1970
R. S. Sangwan referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Jodhpur and the Later Mughals, AD 1707-1752", 2006
Rajat Datta referenced "Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Rethinking a Millennium: Perspectives on Indian History from the Eighth to", 2008
Rajiva Nain Prasad authored "My Teacher - Prof. S. H. Askari: A Tribute", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Professor Raziuddin Aquil referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Medieval Bihar: Sultanate & Mughal Period, Collection of ten articles, Volume 4 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Sufism, Culture, and Politics: Afghans and Islam in Medieval North India", 2007
Professor Raziuddin Aquil reviewed "Syed Hasan Askari and Qeyamuddin Ahmad, eds, The Comprehensive History of Bihar, Vol. II, Part II, K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna, 1987", in "Indian Historical Review, 20: 1-2, July 1993 & January 1994, pp. 159-60".
Reena Bhaduri referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Social Formation in Medieval Bengal", 2001
Riazul Islam referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Sufism in South Asia: Impact on Fourteenth Century Muslim Society", 2002
Riaz-ur-Rahman Kidwai referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Biographical sketch of Kidwais of Avadh: with special reference to Barabanki families", 1987
Professor Richard M. Eaton referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204-1760", 1993
Professor Richard M. Eaton referenced "New light on Raja Ganesh and Sultan Ibrahim of Jaunpur from contemporary correspondence of two Muslim saints by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204-1760", 1993
Professor Romila Thapar mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Aśoka and the Decline of the Mauryas", 2012
Salahuddin Khuda Bukhsh, Sir Jadunath Sarkar, K̲h̲udā Bak̲h̲sh Oriyanṭal Pablik Lāʼibrerī referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Khuda Bakhsh", 1981
Shama Mitra Chenoy referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Delhi in Transition, 1821 and Beyond: Mirza Sangin Beg’s Sair-ul Manazil", 2018
Shama Mitra Chenoy referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Shahjahanabad: A City of Delhi, 1638-1857", 1998
Sher Singh, S. N. Sadhu referenced "Aspects of the Cultural History of Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Indian Books in Print, Volume 2", 2001
Sher Singh, S. N. Sadhu referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Indian Books in Print, Volume 2", 2001
Sudha Sharma referenced "Iqbalnama by an anonymous contemporary writer,(translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Status of Muslim Women in Medieval India", 2016
Sudha Sharma referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Status of Muslim Women in Medieval India", 2016
Sunil Kumar Sen mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari as Sunil's father read History in Patna University under the illustrious tutelage of Professor Askari", in "Tribal Struggle for Freedom: Singhbhum 1820-1858", 2008
Professor Surendra Gopal referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar. Volume 2 Part 1," edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "Mapping Bihar: From Medieval to Modern Times", 2017
Professor Surendra Gopal referenced Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Mapping Bihar: From Medieval to Modern Times", 2017
Syed Ejaz Hussain acknowledged and referenced Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Bengal Sultanate: Politics, Economy and Coins (AD 1205-1576)", 2003
Professor Syed Ejaz Hussain referenced "New light on Raja Ganesh and Sultan Ibrahim of Jaunpur from contemporary correspondence of two Muslim saints ", in "Bengal Sultanate: Politics, Economy and Coins (AD 1205-1576)", 2003
Professor Syed Ejaz Hussain referenced "The Comprehensive History of Bihar, (vol. II, part I. Patna: K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute) by Professor Syed Hasan and Qeyamuddin Ahmad, ed. 1983", in "Silver Flow and Horse Supply to Sultanate Bengal with special Reference to Trans-Himalayan Trade (13th-16th Centuries) JESHO, 56.2, May 2013, pp. 264-308", 2013
Professor Syed Ejaz Hussain referenced ‘Medicines and Hospitals in Muslim India’ by Professor Syed Hasan Askari, PIHC, 20th Session,Bombay, 1957 -(Bombay, 1958)", in "Rise and Decline of Surgery in Indigenous Medicine with Emphasis on Unani-Tibb in "India's Indigenous Medical System: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach", 2015
Professor Syed Muhammad Ḥasnain authored an article on "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", as well as compiled his research papers in "Maqālāt-i Sayyid Ḥasan ʻAskarī - Syed Hasan Askari, Muratab: Syed Muhammad Ḥasnain", 1996
Dr. Tahir Hussain Ansari referenced "The Ujjainiya ancestors of Babu Kunwar Singh by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Mughal Administration and the Zamindars of Bihar", 2019
Prof. Dr. Tanvir Anjum mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari in Introduction section", of "Chishtī Sufis in the Sultanate of Delhi 1190–1400: From Restrained Indifference to Calculated Defiance, 2011
Prof. Dr. Tanvir Anjum referenced "Malfuzat: An untapped source of Social History - Ganj-i-Arshadi of the Jaunpur school - A case study by Prof. Askari", in "Chishtī Sufis in the Sultanate of Delhi 1190–1400: From Restrained Indifference to Calculated Defiance, 2011
Tasneem Kausar authored "Few memories of Prof. Syed Hasan Askar", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
The Genealogist, Volumes 11-12, The Association referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication dated 1997
The Journal of the Bihar Research Society, Volumes 65-66 referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication dated 1980
The Milli Gazette mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "COMMUNITY NEWS: Khuda Bakhsh Hosts Intl. Conference, 16-30 June 2002"
The Panjab Past and Present, Volume 15, Department of Punjab Historical Studies, Punjabi University referenced "Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das Lakhnawi (translated from Persian) by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication dated 1981
The Quarterly Review of Historical Studies, Volume 17 referenced "Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in it's publication dated 1978
The Telegraph India mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", (https://www.telegraphindia.com/states/jharkhand/state-forgets-first-historian/cid/1628043), 2005
Vinayshil Gautam mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Pioneer: A CONSTRUCTIVE NARRATIVE IS NEEDED", 2018
Vipul Singh referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Medieval Bihar: Sultanate & Mughal Period, Collection of ten articles, Volume 4 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "The Artisans in 18th Century Eastern India, a History of Survival", 2005
Vipul Singh referenced "Comprehensive History of Bihar. Volume 2 Part 2, edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., Qeyamuddin Ahmad", in "The Artisans in 18th Century Eastern India, a History of Survival", 2005
Vishwanath Prasad Varma authored "Reminiscences of Prof. S. H. Askari", in "Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume", 2001
Professor Walter Hauser mentioned "Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Obituaries - QEYAMUDDIN AHMAD 1930-1998", 1998
Yaseer Arsalan Khan referenced "Hazrat Ahmad Chirmposh, a 14 th century Sufi Saint of Bihar, Patna University Journal, VIII, 1954 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari" in "CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUFIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BIHAR, Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", 2010
Yaseer Arsalan Khan referenced "Islam and Bihar,by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUFIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BIHAR, Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", 2010
Yaseer Arsalan Khan mentioned "Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUFIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BIHAR, Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", 2010
Yaseer Arsalan Khan referenced "S.H. Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri in Bengal Past of Present, Vol. IXVIII, 1994 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.", in "CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUFIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BIHAR, Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", 2010
Yaseer Arsalan Khan referenced "Sufism and Sufi orders of Bihar and Bengal by Professor Syed Hasan Askari.in Journal of Bihar and Bengal, Vol.xxxiv, ", in "CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUFIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BIHAR, Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", 2010
Yaseer Arsalan Khan referenced "Sufism in Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari., In Journal of Bihar Research Society, Vol 34", in "CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUFIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BIHAR, Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", 2010
Yaseer Arsalan Khan mentioned Professor Syed Hasan Askari by stating that "the late Prof. S. H. Askari’s pioneering effort on the study of Sufis of medieval Bihar was a true inspiration for the researcher to choose this topic. His contribution in this field is unparalleled", in "CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUFIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BIHAR, Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", 2010
Yogendra Mishra referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - On Awfi's Jawami-ul Hikayat, Volume 5 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "The Hindu Sahis of Afghanistan and the Punjab, A.D. 865-1026: A Phase of Islamic Advance Into India", 1972
Ziyaud-Din A. Desai referenced "Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari - Medieval Bihar: Sultanate & Mughal Period, Collection of ten articles, Volume 4 by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Malfuz Literature: As a Source of Political, Social & Cultural History of Gujarat & Rajasthan", 1991
Ziyaud-Din A. Desai referenced "Maktub & Malfuz Literature As a Source of Socio-Political History by Professor Syed Hasan Askari", in "Malfuz Literature: As a Source of Political, Social & Cultural History of Gujarat & Rajasthan", 1991
Global & Online Resources:
Once can find books and articles authored, compiled, edited, reviewed and translated by Professor Syed Hasan Askari and public and university libraries in addition to bookstores and online portals.
* USA: Library of Congress
* USA: Harvard University
* USA: Columbia University
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