Professor Syed Hasan Askari
Distinguished Historian & Eminent Scholar
Historical photographs from the archives.
Professor Syed Hasan Askari (c. 1945)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari & Mrs. Umme Salma Fatma Askari
(Late 1940s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Late 1940s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari in a historical group photograph, sitting 11th from the left in the front row with Chief Guest. (c. 1950)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (5th from right in the second row from top) in a historical group photograph with Maharaja, Chief Minister, dignitaries and academics, attending 31st Session of Indian Historical Records Commission in Mysore, India (January 1955).

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1st from left) with Dr. Zakir Husain (middle), the then Governor of Bihar in an exhibition of Manuscripts and Records organized at Patna, Bihar, India in 1961.
Dr. Zakir Husain was the 3rd President of India from 1967 until his death in 1969. An educator and intellectual also; Dr. Husain was the country's first Muslim president.

Invitation letter by the late Shah of Iran to Professor Syed Hasan Askari and his wife Mrs. Salma Askari to attend the 2500th year of Persian Monarchy in 1971. Professor Askari could not attend the respective event due to illness.
The 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire officially known as The 2,500th year of Foundation of Imperial State of Iran, consisted of an elaborate set of festivities that took place on 12–20 October 1971 on the occasion of the 2,500th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial State of Iran and Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great. The intent of the celebration was to demonstrate Iran's old civilization and history to showcase its contemporary advancements under the Shah of Iran.

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1st from right) receiving Mirza Ghalib Award 1974 in recognition of his outstanding literary research work from His Excellency, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad, the then President of India, in 1975.
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (13 May 1905 – 11 February 1977) was the fifth President of India from 1974 to 1977.

Mirza Ghalib Award 1974 presented to Professor Syed Hasan Askari from Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad, the then President of India, in 1975.
***Professor Syed Hasan Askari was presented "Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad GHALIB Award 1974" in 1975 in recognition of his outstanding literary research work by the then President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad and attested by Her Excellency, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India who was also the President of Ghalib Institute at that time.
***Recipients of 1974 Ghalib Award
1. Prof. Syed Hasan Askari (Research)
2. Ismat Chughtai (Urdu Drama)
3. Janab Jamil Mazhari (Urdu Poetry)
4. Prof. Kanhayya Lal Kapoor (Urdu Prose)
***Ghalib born as Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan on 27 December 1797 – died 15 February 1869),was a prominent Urdu and Persian-language poet during the last years of the Mughal Empire. He used his pen-names of Ghalib and Asad. His honorific was Dabir-ul-Mulk, Najm-ud-Daula. Most notably, he wrote several ghazals during his life, which have since been interpreted and sung in many different ways by different people. Ghalib, the last great poet of the Mughal Era, is considered to be one of the most popular and influential poets of the Urdu language. Today Ghalib remains popular not only in India and Pakistan but also among the Hindustani diaspora around the world.
***Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (13 May 1905 – 11 February 1977) was the fifth President of India from 1974 to 1977 and also the 2nd President of India to die in office.
***Indira Gandhi (19 November 1917 – 31 October 1984) was the first female Prime Minister of India, a key 20th century stateswoman, and central figure of the Indian National Congress party. Indira Gandhi, who served from 1966 to 1977 and then again from 1980 until 1984, is the second longest serving Prime Minister of India and the only woman to hold the office. Indira Gandhi was the only child of the first Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (1st from right) receiving Certificate Of Honor in recognition of his outstanding literary contribution and expertise in Persian literature from His Excellency Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, the then President of India (1979).
Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (19 May 1913 – 1 June 1996) was the sixth President of India, serving from 1977 to 1982. Mr Reddy hold several key offices; the first Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, a two-time Speaker of the Lok Sabha and a Union Minister, before becoming the youngest-ever Indian president in 1977.

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (sitting 1st from left) with Sri Morarji Desai (Prime Minister of India), Sri Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy (President of India) and Sri Pratap Chandra Chunder (Education Minister, Govt. of India) in 1979.
Morarji Ranchhodji Desai (29 February 1896 – 10 April 1995) served as the 4th Prime Minister of India between 1977 and 1979. Mr. Desai held many important posts in government such as: Chief Minister of Bombay State, Home Minister, Finance Minister and 2nd Deputy Prime Minister of India.
Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (19 May 1913 – 1 June 1996) was the sixth President of India, serving from 1977 to 1982. Mr Reddy hold several key offices; the first Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, a two-time Speaker of the Lok Sabha and a Union Minister, before becoming the youngest-ever Indian president in 1977.
Pratap Chandra Chunder (1 September 1919 – 1 January 2008) served as a cabinet minister with education and social welfare portfolios from 1977 to 1980 .

Professor Syed Hasan Askari delivering the historic lectures on
1. The Synthesizing Role of the Muslim Poets of Hindi.
2. Sufism and Hinduism Interaction Between the two.
3. The City of Patna – Etymology of Place-Names.
at KPJRI, Patna, India (November 27th - 29th, 1983).
Professor Askari’s lectures were documented and published under the title of “Aspects of the Cultural History of Medieval Bihar by Professor Syed Hasan Askari” by K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute in 1984. The K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute: The K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute in Patna was established by the Government of Bihar in 1950 with the object of promoting "historical research, archaeological excavation and investigations and publication of works of permanent value to scholars". The institute has been led by reputed scholars such as A.S. Altekar, K.K. Dutta, S. H. Askari, B.P. Sinha, A.L. Thakur, J.S. Jha, P.N. Ojha,, J.C. Jha , Dr. J.Pandey and Dr. Bijoy Kumar Chaudhary who is the current director. (http://kpjri.res.in/directors/)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (left) receiving "Padma Shri” in recognition of his distinguished contribution to Education & Literature from His Excellency Gyani Zail Singh, the then President of India (1985).
***Padma Shri (also Padmashree) is one of the highest civilian awards in the Republic of India. Awarded by the Government of India, it is announced every year on India's Republic Day.
***Gyani Zail Singh (5 May 1916 – 25 December 1994) was the seventh President of India, serving from 1982 to 1987. He was the first Sikh to hold the coveted office. In 1982 he was unanimously nominated to serve as the President. He took the oath of office on 25 July 1982. Prior to his presidency, he was a politician with the Indian National Congress party, and had held several ministerial posts in the Union Cabinet, including that of Home Minister. Zail Singh was also elected as a Congress Chief Minister of Punjab in 1972.

Professor Syed Hasan Askari was awarded the title of "Khan Saheb" by the British Indian Government in 1943. According to various sources, there were some communal/student disturbances in 1942 and the University Senate was likely to be burnt. Prof. Askari offered himself as member of faculty to guard this building along with law enforcement officials and remained in the Patna University for three continuous days. There was no report of loss of life and destruction of building.
Khan Sahib is a formal title of respect and honour, which was conferred exclusively by the office of The Viceroy and Governor General of India on Muslim, Parsi, Irani, and Jewish subjects of the British Indian Empire.

Professor Syed Hasan Askari reviewing historical documents, books and manuscripts at his specific desk in Khuda Bakhsh Library. (Circa 1970s).
This photograph of Prof. Askari (in a nice wooden portrait frame), has been on the desk of the Director of Khuda Bakhsh Library for more than 25 years. Special thanks to Dr. Shayesta Bedar, Director Khuda Bakhsh Library, Patna, India for forwarding this photograph to Professor Syed Hasan Askari Historiography Project, Los Angeles, USA.

Magadh University, Bihar, conferred the degree of D. LITT (HONORIS CAUSA) on 19th January 1969.
This is to certify that Professor Syed Hasan Askari has been conferred with the degree of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) today that is 29. Pausa (Hindi month) 1890 (Saka year). It corresponds to 19th January 1969.

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1970s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1970s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1970s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1970s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1970s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (Circa 1980s)

Professor Syed Hasan Askari (2nd from left) with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru (1953)
The original photograph can be found in this book.
"Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series, Volume Twenty Four (New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru memorial fund, 1999)".
Here is the link: https://archive.org/details/HindSwaraj-Nehru-SW2-24/page/n263/mode/2up?q=patna
Sharing the recent write-up by Prof. Shubhneet Kaushik (February 20th, 2024).
नेहरू और ख़ुदा बख़्श ओरिएंटल लाइब्रेरी
यह तस्वीर नवम्बर 1953 की है, जब अपनी पटना यात्रा के दौरान जवाहरलाल नेहरू ख़ुदा बख़्श ओरिएंटल लाइब्रेरी गए थे। इस दौरान नेहरू ने ख़ुदा बख़्श लाइब्रेरी में मौजूद दुर्लभ पांडुलिपियों के शानदार संकलन का अवलोकन किया। उल्लेखनीय है कि 1891 में स्थापित यह लाइब्रेरी और इसका अनूठा संग्रह ख़ुदा बख़्श (1842-1908) के भगीरथ प्रयासों का नतीजा थी।
नेहरू ने अपनी इस यात्रा के बारे में तत्कालीन शिक्षा मंत्री मौलाना अबुल कलाम आज़ाद को एक ख़त लिखा था, जिसमें उन्होंने इस लाइब्रेरी और उसके नायाब संग्रह के बारे में लिखा था। नेहरू ने लिखा कि इन दुर्लभ पांडुलिपियों और उनमें बने हुए चित्रों की ख़ूबसूरती ने उनका मन मोह लिया। नेहरू ने कहा कि हमें इन पांडुलिपियों को आकर्षक ढंग से छापने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। क्योंकि इनका केवल कलात्मक मूल्य नहीं है, बल्कि ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से भी ये पांडुलिपियाँ और चित्र मूल्यवान हैं।
ख़ुदा बख़्श लाइब्रेरी में मौजूद इन चित्रों के संकलन में पन्द्रहवीं-सोलहवीं सदी के महान ईरानी चित्रकार कमालुद्दीन बिहज़ाद के बनाए चित्र भी शामिल थे। नेहरू ने कहा कि हमें इन दुर्लभ चित्रों की अव्वल दर्जे की प्रतिकृतियाँ करानी चाहिए। नेहरू ने यह भी कहा कि इस कार्य में जो भी ख़र्चा आए वह इसके ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व को देखते हुए उचित ही होगा। यही नहीं नेहरू ने ख़ुदा बख़्श ओरिएंटल लाइब्रेरी में उपलब्ध ग्रंथों की सूची तैयार करने और प्रशिक्षित लोगों की नियुक्ति का सुझाव भी मौलाना आज़ाद को दिया।
ख़ुदा बख़्श लाइब्रेरी की उनकी इसी यात्रा के दौरान नेहरू को ‘सीरत-ए-फ़िरोज़शाही’ की एक सचित्र पांडुलिपि दिखाई गई, जिससे नेहरू ख़ासे प्रभावित हुए। दिलचस्प है कि इन चित्रों में यह भी दर्शाया गया था कि कैसे सुल्तान फ़िरोज़शाह तुग़लक़ (1351-1388) के समय में दो अशोक स्तम्भों को दिल्ली ले जाया गया था। नेहरू ने ख़ुदा बख़्श ओरिएंटल लाइब्रेरी के निदेशक से अनुरोध किया कि ‘सीरत-ए-फ़िरोज़शाही’ का अनुवाद कराया जाए।
पटना के इतिहासकार सैयद हसन अस्करी ने ‘सीरत-ए-फ़िरोज़शाही’ के फ़ारसी से अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद और सम्पादन का बीड़ा उठाया। प्रो. अस्करी ने न केवल इस दुर्लभ पुस्तक का अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद किया, बल्कि इस किताब के लिए लिखी भूमिका में उन्होंने इसके ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व को भी रेखांकित किया।
पटना की अपनी इसी यात्रा में नेहरू ने पटना के प्रसिद्ध कला-संग्राहक राधाकृष्ण जालान के निजी कला-संग्रह को भी देखा। जिसमें ऐतिहासिक मुद्राओं के साथ-साथ डेढ़ सौ से अधिक नायाब ऐतिहासिक वस्तुएँ शामिल थीं। नेहरू ने इच्छा जताई कि राधाकृष्ण जालान अपने इस संग्रह को राष्ट्रीय संग्रहालय को सौंप दें। बाद में डॉक्टर राजेंद्र प्रसाद के आग्रह पर राधाकृष्ण जालान ने मुद्राओं का अपना समूचा संग्रह नई दिल्ली स्थित राष्ट्रीय संग्रहालय को सौंप दिया था।
Auto Generated English Translation
Nehru and Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Library
This picture is from November 1953 when Jawaharlal Nehru went to Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Library during his Patna visit. During this time Nehru observed the magnificent collection of rare manuscripts present at the Khuda Bakhsh Library. Notable that this library established in 1891 and its unique collection were the result of the Bhagirath efforts of Khuda Bakhsh (1842-1908).
Nehru had written a letter to the then education minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad about his visit, in which he wrote about this library and its collection. Nehru wrote that the beauty of these rare manuscripts and the pictures made in them captivated him. Nehru said we should attempt to print these manuslims attractively. Because they have not only artistic value, but historically these manuscriptions and paintings are worth it.
The compilation of these paintings at the Khuda Bakhsh Library also included paintings made by the great Iranian painter of the fifteenth-sixteenth century Kamaluddin Bihzad. Nehru said we should do top notch replications of these rare pictures. Nehru also said that whatever costs in this work would be appropriate considering its historical significance. Not only that Nehru suggested Maulana Azad to compare list of books available in Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Library and appoint trained people.
During his same visit to the Khuda Bakhsh library, Nehru was shown a picture manuscript of 'Seerat-e-Ferozshahi', which was specially influenced by Nehru. Interesting that these pictures also depicted how two Ashok pillars were taken to Delhi during the time of Sultan Ferozshah Tughlaq (1351-1388). Nehru requested the Director of Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Library to translate 'Seerat-e-Ferozshahi'.
Patna historian Syed Hassan Askari worked on the English translation and editing from Persian of 'Seerat-e-Ferozshahi'. Prof. Askari not only translated this rare book into English, but he also illustrated its historical significance in his role written for this book.
In his visit to Patna, Nehru also saw the personal art collection of Patna's famous art collector Radhakrishna Jalan. Which included historical currencies, as well as more than one and a half hundred unusual historical items. Nehru wished that Radhakrishna Jalan should hand over this collection of his to the National Museum. Later on the request of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Radhakrishna Jalan had handed over his entire collection of currency to the National Museum located in New Delhi.

Prof. Syed Hasan Askari (second from left), presenting his 17-page scholarly article, "Historical Fragments Relating to Malik Bayyu and His Times" at the seminar on Hazrat Sharfuddin Ahmad Bin Yahya Maneri, held at the Iran Society, Kolkata, West Bengal, in 1982.
(Special thanks to Mr. Danish Balkhi, India, for assisting in locating the copy for Professor Syed Hasan Askari Historiography Project - Raza Family Library, Los Angeles, USA).